
Showing posts from April, 2022

【6】Developmental Psychology - Important Figures

  ⭐ John Piaget  studied children's cognition believed that children construct their own understanding of the world while interacting with it children have their own reasoning/thought processes; they weren't mini adults schemas changes over time children develop in stages Sports of change -> stability -> cognitive plateau -> next stage  ⭐ Lev Vygotsky children's minds grow with interactions in the social environment emphasized language in development by giving kids new words and mentoring them, they are given scaffolds which they can use to develop higher levels of thinking                                                                                      ⭐ Henry and Margaret Harlow attachment comes from bodily contact rather than nourishment 1971 Experiment Baby monkeys were separated from their moms and put in cages with 2 artificial mothers made from wire. One "mom" had a feeding bottle and other was wrapped with a soft cloth. The baby monkeys becam

【6】Developmental Psychology - Notes

  ⭐Developmental psychology examines our physical, cognitive, and social development across our lifespan. nature (genetic predisposition) v nurture (experiences) continuity and stages - How is development divided? Are there separate stages? stability and change - What traits change or persist through time? Researchers that emphasize... learning - "growth is continuous"  biology - "development is a series of stages and sequences"   Some parts of us change, some don't or are hard to change (social attitudes, coping mechanisms)             (temperament) Some personality traits we exhibit when we're 3 years old can persist as we get older Women are born with all eggs they will ever have. Men create sperm once they hit puberty and will produce more for the rest of their lives. Zygotes enter a stage of rapid cell division and start differentiation . After 10 days  from conception, the germinal stage is completed as the zygote attaches itself to the mother&#