【4】States of Consciousness
Consciousness - state of being aware of internal and external stimuli Sleep - decreased levels of physical activity; reduced sensory awareness Wakefulness - high sensory awareness, thought, and behavior Biological rhythms - cycle of bodily change that maintains homeostasis in the body Circadian rhythms - takes place over 24 hours Sleep regulation - how the brain switches between sleep and wakefulness Sleep - sleep rebound - when someone falls asleep faster after being sleep deprived; 1 type of homeostatic regulation - can be tracked using EEG (electroencephalography) which measures brain waves - sleep-wake cycles are controlled by the thalamus, hypothalamus, (for slow wave sleep) and the pons (for REM sleep) is regulated by melatonin which is secreted by the pineal gland - regulates and secretes hormones eg. melatonin, luteinizing hormone - stimulates growth and follicles Disruptions of Normal Sleep Jet lag - when a person's in...
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